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Title: Crashing upon working with ME system (Anonymousjojo)

Account Name: Anonymousjojo

Rank: Sponsor +

Hello, recently i build an ME system fo rmy items. I haven't had any problems with it until this week. Few days ago upon logging in to the server my saw that my ME wasn't working and all of the cabes were not connected to each over. So i turned creative on and replaced them with spawned in ones, and everything was working that day. Today i had the same problem but with more items such as the 64k crafting storage not connecting to the cables. Everything again was working fine untill i logged off. When i came back online my Me Drives were not lit up and were't showing my storage chips. So i brocke them and saw that the cables behind were not connected to themselft again. Upon breaking the cables with anything suck as the wrench, hand, pickaxe or in creative all seem to crash my client. I don't know what can me causing it.

When the cables are not connecting i can click on any of the machines connected to the ME system untill i replace the cables and the machines.


That bug with the cables not connecting it's happening to me too. I have to replace the cables every time the server restarts/crashes, it's kinda anoying to do that. Also, another thing that is wierd is that if i let my big reactor connected to the me with yellorite in the export bus and the server crashes/restarts, when i log back in all the yellorite is gone. Looks like it happens only in a few specific chunks, not all of them.


Well one question. Are your ME system bigger than one Chunk? Stuff like this mostly happens when the ME system is strayed over multiple chunks ... so when u guys log in the chunk loading is caussing this sort of problem.


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