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 [Inventory Rollback Request] _ZombieBearKgb_


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 [Inventory Rollback Request] _ZombieBearKgb_

Your Name: _ZombieBearKgb_
Coordinates: +4709, -3162, 69 (near my town spawn, bopsy)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): approx 9:30-10PM JP time (12:30-1PM GMT) 6 jan 2018
Description of Issue: was lagging and falling through ground for about 10mins, died and dropped items (most important being power Armour chest plate and boots, tbh the rest is irrelevant) and couldnt find them afterwards. not 100% sure what time but I did mention to one staff member (can't remember who) when it happened. Thanks :)


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