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Creativ tag fix


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I got a 2 days ban for rules 4.. i read the rules and i tought that i can sell items in the market if i have creativ but i didnt activate it, but its bugging as hell, that is why i got ban...

I placed some mfr chunk loaders what i crafted with my hand and when i turned into creativ mod and back to survival, it was bugging and changed my mfr's tag: spawned by me (but i crafted them before..) and if i have power armor on and i do the same; turn on my creativ mod, my power suit's tag changes and it says i spawned and all of  its applied upgrades gone! i understand now why players mustnt use market who have creative mod.. i ask u (staff) to fix this bug please, i have creativ mod but i still want to make money, to get a goal to play... [/baltop ;)]

if that would be fixed i would be very happy to use the market and participate in the economy again, like before my creative mod!

btw: now i have premium+, thats why i have creativ and my prefix is still premium..

please do something for it!


Believe it or not this is an intended feature and not a bug, the plugin listens to all inventory events to tag the items so that you can’t pull and item from the creative inventory somehow and then get it not tagged. It’s there in place to cover up an exploit-

Now about the ban, you did sell creatively tagged items, so the ban is fair and square, so next time you will have to be a bit more careful what you touch with your creative mode :-) And look one extra tag if it’s tagged or not before selling it.


Have it be known that IF someone would have bought this it would have been removed upon it reaching their inventory, so then it would also go as scam since they paid money and got nothing back. So this is your responsibility to make sure it’s not tagged when you sell it. 


oky i got that, then i still can sell items what have no tags?

and i meant a bug on my power armor, i do nothing in creativ and my armor get tag, and it dont have before..


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