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Slow Movement


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The name is BlueHunter_1 i have had some problems with my movement lately. I use no armor at all so no power armor. But sometimes... wait more like every 5 seconds i move on the ground i like go block for block and its really annying so i hoped that someone could help fix this problem of mine. I heard for Bel (belgarufo) that this had happend before and if it happend before and can be fixed, then i would happily have it fixed. Thank you in advance. It also affects my flying to



If you need video proof i also have that so i will link that in the Discord chat if you need it just hit me up there.


  • Founder

i did a player data reset on your name so if there is something wrong it will be fixed, is it ok now? if not does it act like that always or sometimes?


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