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Rollback req: corrupted chunk [SERVER CRASH]


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I logged a few days in to find some mail from an admin @RandomNukes saying a chunk in my base was corrupted. I was playing just fine Jan 15th around 1:30 AM EST. 

However, since then, I have been able to get to my base ( seems to work best when i spawn in the /spawn) and not my actual home. When I have to "/login" I also have to get to my base.

All I really have done since jan 15th is manufacture a few hundred atomic electromagnets, configure ME recipes, and find myst pages.


So there have been long periods of me being stably in my base so we thought perhaps the issue resolved itself, but alas last night and this morning I seem to crash the server each time I log on.





"ArchitectBob" of "bobtown"


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