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 [Island Rollback Request] Maxispartacus

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Your Name: Maxispartacus
Island Owner Name: Maxispartacus
Coordiantes: x: -9949, Z: -2837, y: 90 (5)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  date: 10.02.2018 time: 6.00pm
Description of Issue: my gui is bugged, all my dark glass moving around as i move my cursor. cant open inv, im stuck in a dragon, everything is wierd.
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Killing yourself will solve this issue.

Before you do make a screenshot of your bugged GUI.

And if possible compile a list of things you had so that we may refund you.

* Recommended to break block under the gravestone so the items fall into void as it is a bugged item/items that caused this.

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