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[Inventory Rollback Request]*McCrippledMale*


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Your Name: McCrippledMale
Coordinates: -2993 +3747
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 3/23/18 12:30 AM
Description of Issue: I just got done making 12 laser prechargers and 7 laser drills when all of sudden i go to pick up ny other three chargers and one laser drill it starts burning me as if the laser was on me but i clearly moved the prechargers away from where i was standing and still burned too death and lost most of my stuff because they burned.This is an issue that i have had in the past where the prechargers laser isnt pointing where im standing but still get burnt.I lost 12 Laser Drills,7 Prechargers,10 Tesseracts and 10 EnderChest.i also have a picture where you can see me burning with the lasers facing my way and no power in the prechargers but it wont let me attached them.Made a link-https://postimg.org/image/lbvk6mm2v/ 
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