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Nether deaths


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Hello. So, as you may guessed from the title, I died in nether...nothing very special, but I died when I was logged off. I left and made sure I'm on safe place, but still I log in once, and still got my items back, but today... I lost everything that was in my grave. Cobalt, manyullyn and paper pick with upgrades, and the same combination on sword (with upgrades). I went into nether to mine some more cobalt and ardite, so me and my friends can make other things (I wanted to make mine again, cause they weren't... ehh... good) well... I died with all mats, food, and my equip.

Any help is welcome.

Thanks. -XeronixCZ


Ok. 1 Cobalt head, manulyun cross, paper handle pick. with 2 Haste upgrades, 1 diamond, and full luck on it. (That's the one I wanted to make again, so if you could give me the materials, I'd make another one :) ) 1 Sword with the same combination of materials, but cobalt handle, and Nearly full Quartz. Iron chestplate and leggins, about 12 cobald ores, 4 ardite ores and Like 40 quartz ores. (Other things don't realy matter)


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