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[Rollback Request]


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Account Name: BloodyA9

town name : schlecht

Coordinates: xyz: -2214/45/3078

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]: 00:00 27/04/2018

Description of Issue: Got scammed for whole base, bcs don't privated it. Base was underground so it was a small chance to find that without Coordinates. Have talkng about that issue with imperatus in discord, so he said that I must post that here

Now have privated it, hope u will help me continue to play on server ?

10 minutes ago, brunyman said:

rollback complete

so im little messed up with time that heppened. So its like a few hours later than i have now. There was almost fully sorted emerald drawers wall and brenches not near smeltery, but near this drawers in the ground, so can u check this  please?


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