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Refund Request gamestarx17


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Your Name: gamestarx17
Item Name + Amount:

power armor helmet

power armor leggings , sprint assist, energy generator from running,  

power armor boots , shock assist

resonant jetpack,

flux pickaxe, silk touch, efficiency IV

flux sword, sharpness II

Coordinatesx: 2940 y: 72 z: 4613 (these are coords for the chest where my items were placed
Description of Issue:

 I was playing normally, and before a rollback at around 5:52 pm 4/29/2018 placed items into a chest that were erased. I put these items in a chest because i was heading into a mystcraft world pocket dimension and didn't want to risk losing my gear.

certainly some other items in my inventory were lost but these are the more important ones, and the gear i can recall having. Thank you
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