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[Refund Request] Corrected


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Your Name: DeBunnynator
Item Name + Amount: 1 Ruby Sword (Sharp V, Looting II, Unbreaking III, Fire Aspect II), full Power Armor Suit (Swim assist, sprint assist, uphill assist, energy shields [on all], water electrolyzer, kinetic generator, advanced solar generator, shock absorbers, auto feeder, jetpack, parachute, flight control, clock, heat sinks [on all]), golden bag of holding, ender pouch, meat ingots (one stack), straw. I think that's it...
Coordinates: Still no effing clue.
Description of Issue: Randomly fell out of the world while not you know...able to fall out of the world. In a stable Mystcraft world.
Screenshots (Optional): Can't get 'em. Sorry.


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