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[Refund Request]


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Account Name: mortolking

Town Name: Area-51


coordinates: X: -5285, Z: -785, Y: 73


Item name list:

(how many stacks)

1 - 32 nether stars - id: 399

2 - 512 (8) copper ingot - id: 4111

3 - 512 (8)  tin ingot - id: 6630:10

4 - 64 enderium ingot - id: 5142:76

5 - 64 lumium ingot - id: 5141:75

6 - 64 signalum ingot - id: 5141:74

7 - 64 mana infused ingot - id: 5141:50

8 - 64 electrum ingot - id: 6603:6

9 - 64 bronze ingot - id: 6630:13

10 -  1280 (20) seared brick (ingots) - id: 6630:2

11 - 192 (3) certus quatz crystal - id: 4362

12 - 32 charged certus quartz crystal - id: 4362:1

13 - 16 fluix crystal - id: 4362:7

14- 32  invar ingot - id: 5141:72

15 - 512 (8) yellorium ingot - id: 5289

16 - 2560 (40)  block of diamond - id: 57

17 - 128 (2)  block of gold - id: 41

18 - 320 (5) block of steel - id: 2076:9

19 - 128 (2) block of iron - id: 42

20 - 320 (5) block of coal - id: 173

21 - 32 cobalt ingot - id: 6630:3

22 - 16 manyullyn ingot - id: 6630:5

23 - 16 ardite ingot - id: 6630:4

24 - 192 (3) silver ingot - id: 5141:66

25 - 1280 (20) draconium ingot - id: 5642

26 - 128 (2) bedrockium ingot - id: 5819

27 - 512 (8) lapis lazuli block - id: 22

28 - 32 uranium ore - id: 167

29 - 512 (8) nether quartz - id: 406

30 - 1280 (20) clay - (block) id: 82

31 - 512 (8) glass - id: 20

32 - 256 (4) lead - id: 5141:67

33 - 640 (10) oak wood (log) - id 17


- 9600 (150) quarried stone - id: 1313:7

- 7680 (120) stone brick - id: 97:2

-  5120 (80) basalt brick - id: 680:9

- 24 cursed earth - id: 1821

- 1 builders wand - id: 5807


- macerator - id: 202:3

- carpenter - id: 1164:1

- compressor id: 202:5

- metal former - id: 203:4

- MFSU - id: 200:2

- assembly table - id: 1298

- 2x laser - id: 1297

- thermionic fabrucator - id: 1165


- 34 blast furnace brick - id: 1315:12

- 26 coke oven brick - id: 1315:7

- 12 rock crusher - id: 1315:15


My friends lost loot:

- Quantum Solar Panel - 228:3 (He lost more but does not know what)


[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: [12:45/11-5-2018  and the second problem happend around 21:30/12-5-2018 (timezone Amsterdam) ] First my chests got wiped by a bug and after that my building and got rolled back. (If possible; could i have a jetpack to rebuild my tower and remove my friends flying tree parts again. It would be very much appriciated)


Description of Issue: Loss of all my loot and a big part of my building.


The thing is that I asked for a Rollback Request because of the loss of a all of my loot.

While waiting for the Rollback Request to get fulfilled I worked on my base, mined and bought items form the market as dit 2 friends of mine. (0_HEROBRINE_0 and Zexef)

So when the Rollback Request had been fulfilled all of us lost our loot and. (me and 0_HEROBRINE_0 lost loot and a part of our base) (Zexef lost all of his loot and his whole base)

I thought that only that one chunk with the bugged chests would get a rollback but that was not possible sed the owner.

There was no save made to restore our progress, so we were stuck with this one.

The rollback also had no use of getting back the loot I lost the first time because it was a couple of minutes off.

I hope this makes clear that it would not be possible to put in a Rollback Request since loot has been lost 2 times.


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