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[Refund Request] Megaave


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Account Name: Megaave


Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful):

Flux-Infused Helm/Leggings/Boots (6775, 6777, 6778 respectively)

Resonant Jetpack (Armored)  (7059:104)

Silky Jewel (6630:26) (Really a pickaxe but the jewel was the most valuable component)

Pickaxe of the Wyvern (5629)

(2x) Wyvern Core (5638) (From Previous Pick)

Efficiency X book (unknown id, taken from a destruction pick)

Coordinate Selector (5730)

Amulet of the Night (7040)

Electromagnet (5774:16)


Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: 6/18/2018, Approx. 9:45pm Eastern


Description of Issue: I was killed in my own base inside my mob farm (I know, careless of me) however no grave spawned, thus I lost all my items. My best guess as to why this occurred is that I was partially within ethereal glass when I died so the game didn't know where to place the grave.


Evidence (optional, but recommended): Unfortunately I don't have any photos of my inventory but a glance around my base should hopefully provide evidence that the items are in line with my progression. I appreciate any and all help you can give me.



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