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[Rollback request]


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  • Manager

Account Name: 

Town name: / Character name : 

Basically it's some widlands and someone's base

Coordinates: x: -2720ish, z: -800ish, y: 60 and above

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]: 18.07.2018 19:00 UTC

Description of Issue: a big chunk of land was basically destroyed to get rid of a bugged block


https://imgur.com/jKBj4hu (i can't post image for some reason) area marked by red rectangle was affected, also on the right is the base


  • Manager

Yeah it was done but along with a base north of it which shouldn't get rollbacked, that town name being MrBannan at x:-2710 z:-910
That town should get restored to 24.07.2018 8:00 UTC+0


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