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[Refund Request] Smeltery issue


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Infinity evolved Expert


Base Coordinates:



/tppos -995 64 -3712


Account Name:



Item name + item ID :

Too much items, so I have to list out this way. Sorry.

  • Legendary vote crate supplies:
  1. ME storage x 1
  2. Storage kit(except the lonely resonant Strongbox, which is placed out.) x1
  3. Thermal Ingots x1
  4. Gelid Supply x1
  5. IC2 supply x2 
  6. Gems supply x1
  7. Reactor materials (Not sure, but I remember I have 16 yellorium, so it should be from here.)
  8. All seeds from pam's harvest craft/Agricraft. (Probably lacking on some, but almost gathered all. This should be easier to manage, plus I don't remember which few seeds I lacked.)
  9. 2 sets of quartz
  10. A primordial pearl purchased from admin shop



8/1/2018 around 2~3pm GMT+1


Description of Issue:

Smeltery bugged inventory in the same chunk


Evidence :

There should be records of 9~10 legendary keys used, if the server side keeps these logs. I placed down a resonant strongbox too.
3keys from premium, others from vote crate.
I also plundered a few villages, with almost all seeds gathered.

Again, if records are kept, there should be logs that proves I bought the primordial pearl.

Now chests are removed to protect remaining items, as adviced by imperatus,


  • Manager

Item's Refunded and placed in your inventory.


Could not refund the following:

8. All seeds from pam's harvest craft/Agricraft. (Probably lacking on some, but almost gathered all. This should be easier to manage, plus I don't remember which few seeds I lacked.)

9. 2 sets of quartz


Can you please list which seeds these was? There is ALOT of seeds ingame. 

And clarify what 2 sets of quartz mean?


Thanks for your time.



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