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Inventory Rollback Request

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Your Name: Andy7555
Coordinates:  X.20192 Y.294 Z.11061
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):   03/08/2018  12:00
Description of Issue:  died with no grave stone 
Screenshots (Optional): 


Maintenance is done on Fridays and Mondays. The exact time is uncertain. Bruny is a busy person, but I'm sure this will be done sometime tomorrow, Aug 6th.


For future notice, if you fall off your island, a quick /is tp or /spawn will help. You don't die at spawn....well, at least, you aren't supposed to...bugs do happen xD


still waiting also adding a second death to this as im still waiting for roll back  

Your Name: Andy7555
Coordinates:  X;20174  Y; 76  Z; -4364
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):   03/08/2018  12:00
Description of Issue:  died with no grave stone on a boundary 
Screenshots (Optional): 


this would not happen if you put the grave block id on a white-list so your helpers or staff can break them out side the border





  • Founder

Hi, we can't do precise rollbacks, we only have 2 backup points per day, for inventory is preferred to do refunds. Also we can't do 2 rollbacks in the same time and note that inventory rollback will overwrite existing inventory content and you need to empty your inventory each time you disconnect until rollback is executed to prevent further item loss. If item refund is not possible then we will try to rollback, but also note that refunds are done much faster and rollbacks will only be executed 1 time per week as right now we are very busy with 1.13 updates. 



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