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Whats New In Minecraft 1.13.1 Java Edition?


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Source:  xisumavoid




A Minecraft Java Edition Release

1.13.1 is now available! It improves performance and fixes a bunch of bugs that made their way into 1.13. There's also a few changes in this update that are listed below.



  • Performance optimizations
  • Added dead coral
  • Fish now have a 5% chance of dropping bonemeal when killed
  • Squids now only spawn in rivers and oceans
  • Added a concept of force-loaded chunks to the game, and a command (/forceload) to toggle force-loading on and off


  • MC-73 - Green arrow bug on maps in frames
  • MC-1357 - Logged out players appear on maps
  • MC-1489 - Dismounting a horse with a fence on the player's right leaves the player on the wrong side of the fence
  • MC-1528 - Maps in item frames' markers aren't persistent
  • MC-3715 - Beds and the /teleport command
  • MC-3927 - Iron golems spawning in slabs, glass, farmland and grass path
  • MC-4488 - Mobs don't drop cooked meat if last damage is from fire, lava or fire charge
  • MC-31681 - Fog and clouds darken when indoors or under trees (<16 Chunk Render Distance)
  • MC-33383 - Lag while taking screenshot with F2 in singleplayer
  • MC-51150 - Swimming in water, riding a minecart or standing on soul sand and snow layers 8 darkens the sky at day time
  • MC-59517 - TNT explode=true blockstate drops TNT item when fused by hit in survival mode
  • MC-67780 - Standing on/flying above a block placed at y:255 makes sky dark
  • MC-73361 - Exiting a minecart / boat can put the player outside the border
  • MC-74764 - Particle "largeexplode", "hugeexplosion" and “sweepattack” not showing when using the front view (twice F5)
  • MC-75465 - Vignette effect's visibility is not being updated according to light level when GUI is hidden
  • MC-76615 - Lightning bolt summoned by /summon is offset +0.5x and +0.5z
  • MC-76649 - Thrown item in hand and as entity
  • MC-78963 - Command completion fails with multiple possibilities and other arguments set
  • MC-79697 - Entities don't render properly when next to invisible spider, charged creeper, or wither boss with armor
  • MC-80041 - Signs with long text freeze the game
  • MC-81237 - stat.damageTaken fails to increment when player has absorption.
  • MC-84005 - Book and quill doesn't save changes when edited in offhand
  • MC-86943 - Cooldown overlay is solid white on item stacks > 1
  • MC-88099 - Slimes/magma cube with NoAI-Tag still can damage the player
  • MC-88230 - When feeding a tamed horse or llama with a golden apple/carrot or hay bale, the cursor moves to the right
  • MC-88356 - Bow animation broken in off-hand in third person
  • MC-90842 - Sweep attack knocks back marker armor stands
  • MC-96998 - End Cities / Woodland Mansions don't generate completely when interrupting generation
  • MC-98796 - Armor loses durability when blocking damage with shield
  • MC-105512 - Cracks appear inside dragon head instead of outside
  • MC-108592 - Witches do not despawn correctly if they have a potion effect
  • MC-109311 - Woodland mansion failed to generate
  • MC-112533 - Dispenser can equip shield for armor stand without arms
  • MC-112801 - Players on the death screen still cause spawners to spawn.
  • MC-114074 - Some non-full cube blocks don't cull the faces of the same block next to them
  • MC-114218 - Dispensers and droppers don't offset smoke particles when facing up or down
  • MC-114246 - Item in offhand of armor stand with arms cannot be taken back
  • MC-118258 - Spelling mistakes in the 'Commandblock chain tried to execure more than x steps!' warning message
  • MC-119607 - Llamas, unlike horses, can be kept feeding hay bales even if in love mode
  • MC-119856 - Slime blocks missing cullface argument
  • MC-119971 - Various duplications, deletions, and data corruption at chunk boundaries, caused by loading outdated chunks — includes duping and deletion of entities/mobs, items in hoppers, and blocks moved by pistons, among other problems
  • MC-120664 - Tool durability is off-by-one
  • MC-120780 - Chunk data packets are sometimes created unnecessarily
  • MC-121369 - Holding ESC while clicking "Multiplayer" returns user to main menu
  • MC-122563 - Disappearance of the old "punchable" TNT
  • MC-122614 - Strange tab completion coloring
  • MC-122625 - Order of contents of north- and east-facing double chests changed after update 1.12.2 -> 1.13
  • MC-122939 - Statistics for mining banners and beds never increase
  • MC-123021 - Crash on open if "Saves" is a link
  • MC-123586 - Debug pie chart uses locale specific number formatting
  • MC-123806 - Tab-completion/command suggestions only work for the final argument
  • MC-123880 - Clientbound play packet 0x0C (Boss Bar) using same byte for different booleans
  • MC-124054 - Tab-suggestions don't disappear when moving cursor
  • MC-124543 - JSON-Text formatting in CustomNames of container blocks does not work
  • MC-124583 - Cannot place structure void block next to another when right clicking on one
  • MC-124681 - Tab suggestion erroneously suggests second closing square bracket on entity selectors
  • MC-124690 - Successful "/bossbar set players" doesn't give success message in chat
  • MC-124808 - Blocks don't pop off when their support blocks are moved by pistons
  • MC-124917 - Selector suggestions do not disappear after adding the closing bracket
  • MC-124942 - "Invalid book tag" is not translatable
  • MC-125134 - Server crashes while generating new chunks – java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: We are asking a region for a chunk out of bound
  • MC-125286 - Block state suggester does not include '=' for first key
  • MC-125337 - When the double-held trident throws, players will lift both hands
  • MC-128547 - Minecraft keeps previously used World in memory if the player has hit any entity in that world
  • MC-129754 - Putting down lava freezes everything and then crashes the game when quitting
  • MC-130258 - Maps in item frames show shading problems
  • MC-130724 - stat.damageDealt does not record damage to absorption health
  • MC-131029 - Villager door detection range has changed
  • MC-131346 - It's possible to place buckets of water, lava or fish in adventure mode
  • MC-131397 - Sponges cannot remove water from conduits
  • MC-131462 - Coordinate math error causes structure not to generate and possibly other issues
  • MC-131678 - Setblock property - block and setblock property - value are reversed in error messages
  • MC-131868 - Concrete powder next to waterlogged blocks is not converted to concrete
  • MC-132061 - Contents of creative menu change when resizing window
  • MC-132063 - Stone item appears when resizing window
  • MC-132451 - Command Parser - invalid value for block property and property name are reversed in error message
  • MC-132457 - Advancement and dimension command suggestions require minecraft namespace
  • MC-132496 - Passive Mob Spawning Breaks 1.9+
  • MC-132663 - Command blocks kick player when entering certain commands > 256 characters in multiplayer
  • MC-132664 - Obfuscated text uses same random character each frame for each input character
  • MC-132703 - Iron golems do not spawn in center of village
  • MC-132762 - Observed signal strength observer abnormality
  • MC-132769 - Detecting a 2 redstone tick repeater with an observer block creates a 2 redstone tick pulse
  • MC-132789 - Unexpected piston behavior when chaining repeaters
  • MC-132806 - You cannot grant/revoke specific advancement criteria because of a colon in its name
  • MC-132870 - Weird lag with large amounts of entities in 1.13 compared to 1.12.2
  • MC-132898 - Multiple layers of falling gravity blocks break
  • MC-133098 - Loading a world with a corrupted stats file crashes the game
  • MC-133127 - Drowned from ocean ruins never spawn with a trident/nautilus shell/fishing rod
  • MC-133154 - Placing a slab to stop the water flow doesn't remove the water
  • MC-133158 - Underwater waterlogged blocks still produce water dripping particles
  • MC-133181 - Observer Cooldown is broken
  • MC-133251 - Curse enchantments don't use red text
  • MC-133260 - Obfuscated text characterset limited to simple ASCII
  • MC-133273 - Normal Pistons also spit out theire blocks with a short signal
  • MC-133294 - Map Markers blacked out
  • MC-133345 - Some bolded obfuscated characters causes text to jitter
  • MC-133425 - Missing Glyphs for '[' (U+FF3B) and '(' (U+FF08)
  • MC-133452 - Copying, pasting, etc. still insert "c", "v", etc.
  • MC-133453 - Players can't stand in "walk-through" blocks after swimming
  • MC-133546 - Player becomes "ghost" when dying in the nether or going through the end portal back to the overworld
  • MC-133587 - Deleting server format error
  • MC-133713 - /spreadplayers and /worldborder <center> suggests X/Y instead of X/Z when nothing is typed
  • MC-133715 - Thrown tridents cannot be picked up after dying
  • MC-133804 - Coral fans are waterloggable, but coral itself is force-waterlogged
  • MC-133839 - Crash when tp/at world border
  • MC-133842 - Crash when getting kicked while in Inventory
  • MC-133871 - Waterlogged trapdoors do not update properly when opened
  • MC-133894 - drowned dont drop items that they picked up as zombie then were converted
  • MC-133905 - Large oak trees generate without making block under stump dirt
  • MC-133942 - 1.13 Release is called a snapshot when backing up world
  • MC-133959 - Credits don't appear when clicking "Copyright Mojang AB" in the title screen.
  • MC-133986 - Non [a-z0-9/._-] character in path of location: minecraft:EntityHorse
  • MC-133995 - Transferring world from 1.12.2 to 1.13 isn't working
  • MC-134105 - Cant return from the end after defeating dragon
  • MC-134115 - Containers next to chunk borders can lose items when upgrading
  • MC-134159 - Saved world causes crash in 1.13
  • MC-134166 - Villager door detection order has changed
  • MC-134273 - Player Markers on Map after disconnect
  • MC-134274 - Map Markers for players holding a different Map
  • MC-134297 - Observers detect moved blocks late in 1.13
  • MC-134298 - Observers don't detect retracting sticky pistons
  • MC-134300 - Inconsistency with update order when pistons retract other pistons
  • MC-134348 - Crash while upgrading: bkv{block=Block{minecraft:acacia_slab}, properties=[type, waterlogged]} has no property: half
  • MC-134392 - Spawers will spawn dolphins inside of solid blocks
  • MC-134402 - Statistic for cleaning shulker boxes is missing
  • MC-134414 - Concrete powder falling onto sea grass just replaces it
  • MC-134468 - Map cloning recipe only yields 2 maps
  • MC-134555 - Sticky piston does not update gravity blocks
  • MC-134570 - Door top half missing when updating to new version
  • MC-134587 - Using F3 + T several times will eventually freeze iMac
  • MC-134667 - Async Chunk Gen dangerously adding entities to world async
  • MC-134668 - Over synchronization in ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage impacts performance
  • MC-134702 - Fish spawned from buckets count towards the aquatic mob cap
  • MC-134716 - Minecraft Multiplayer – Player kick exploit
  • MC-134777 - Bone meal on kelp doesn't do anything, but still wastes it
  • MC-134889 - Iron golems spawn in air blocks
  • MC-134903 - Mobs can break turtle eggs by standing on them when gamerule mobGriefing is false
  • MC-134916 - Sound event block.pumpkin.carve doesn't play when carving normal pumpkins
  • MC-135049 - Old world doesn't save map markers in 1.13
  • MC-135079 - Purpur stairs and slabs cannot be crafted using purpur pillars
  • MC-135126 - Bone meal on underwater grass blocks doesn't spawn sea grass
  • MC-135261 - /setblock for player heads don't show the texture after the placement
  • MC-135468 - Mooshroom disappears when sheared
  • MC-135484 - Pressing Q + right click a block while holding a double block only shows the top of the block
  • MC-135816 - Trident does not return uppon reload of world
  • MC-135857 - Beacon effect icon doesn’t have a blue edge if it overwrites a potion effect
  • MC-135878 - Maps delete recently marked banners upon reopening world
  • MC-135893 - Upgrading from 1.12.2 to a newer version will cause trapped chests placed in 1.12.2 & earlier to stop triggering redstone through the floor
  • MC-136023 - Phantoms attack players in spectator
  • MC-136031 - Dispenser (up/down facing) attempting to summon wither crashes the server
  • MC-136157 - Explosion radius increased
  • MC-136208 - Scute is not affected by doMobLoot
  • MC-136226 - Mobs require 2 blocks of air to spawn at all times now



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