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Island rollback request Szynsz

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Your Name: Szynsz
Island Owner Name: Szynsz 
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  21.08.2018
Description of Issue: Lots of machine blocks (moustly from thermal mod) are dissapear. Also dissapear couple of applied energetics blocks like terminals or cables. 
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Ok, I had to take a break after this accident. List of dissapeared blocks is:


Magma crucible and fluid transoper (basic)

3 Tesseracs

2 Redstone funace (resonant)

2 Pulverizers (resonant)

Iduction smelter (basic)


I loose mostly machines from Thermal Expansion idk why. Also are dissapear terminals from AE but i get it back from Lancelot :)


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