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[Refund Requestfor the return of items ]ElitanryTV


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Hello, I would like to ask you for the zwort of my items, I died for spawning in Enda by Enderman in lag ... because I do not have a good computer and when I enter between the worlds I am playing for a moment but by this moment I was killed by enderman, and I was unable to I would like to regat because Minecraft had a reply, I am asking for a positive problem. I can not remember what I had in my inventory
  so I will not write what items I had ... my grub is on the spawn in the end and I can not smash him because I do not have permission Administration please help! (I am sorry that I write with mistakes I can not speak English very much, I'm from Poland and I play here with my friends and recommend server because it's nice to play :))

Bez tytułu.png

  • Manager

Hello @ElitarnyTV

In order for us to refund you need to fill out a refund request with the template as they have the information we need to do one.

You have to list the items lost for us to be able to do a refund request. As you said you do not remember what you had you may instead go for a inventory rollback to do so you need to use this template.




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