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[Island Rollback Request] Ballonbirne

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Your Name: Ballonbirne
Island Owner Name: Ballonbirne
Coordiantes: x: -6913, y: -9473
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Have no idea to be honest (didn't play for a very long time).
Description of Issue: Seems like my entire island is gone. Whenever I try to tp there, I just fall into the void. I already requested a rollback for my island on may 5th, but for some reason I deleted the request (maybe I didn't want to play anymore). I also don't have any screenshots for my island. 


Thanks in advance.


Maintenance is only done on Mondays and Fridays, and Brunyman has been busy IRL, so things are taking longer lately. Please dont bump posts every day.


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