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[FTB Continuum] List of Restricted Items


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The list of restricted items on our FTB Continuum, MC 1.12.2. Last updated  28.04.2020.


Disabled Mods:

  • Controlling - Client side mod.
  • CustomMainMenu - Client side mod.
  • FTB Utilities - Not needed as we use GriefPrevention.
  • InitialInventory - Not needed as we use other plugins.
  • InventoryTweaks - Possible dupes.
  • MouseTweaks - Possible dupes.
  • TipTheScales - Client side mod.


Restricted Items: 

  • Evertide Amulet> ProjectE - Protection bypass. and exploit
  • Volcanite Amulet > ProjectE - Protection bypass and exploit.
  • EFLN > Tinker's Construct - Protection bypass.
  • Lens of the Killer > Actually Additions - Protection bypass.
  • Lens of Certain Death > Actually Additions - Protection bypass.
  • Block Breaker > Actually Additions - Restricted in the overworld.
  • Player Probe > Actually Additions - Exploit.
  • Travelers Bag > Actually Additions - Dupes.
  • Music Disk 13 > Minecraft - Easter egg Issue.
  • Rainmaker > Forestry - Changing server weather.
  • Bag of Holding > Extra Utilities - Bugs.
  • Redstone Clock > Extra Utilities - Bugs.
  • Chemical ThrowerImmersiveEngineering - Buggy.
  • Toolbox > ImmersiveEngineering - Dupes.
  • BlockDestroyer > Industrialforegoing - Protection bypass.
  • Drill Modules StevesCarts - Dupes.
  • Dynamite Carrier StevesCarts - Protection bypass.
  • Beegun > CareerBees - Protection bypass.
  • FancyWorkbench > Bibliocraft - Dupes.
  • Wireless Universal Terminal > ExtraCells2 - Bugged.
  • All creative only items are restricted.
  • Items disabled by JEI are also restricted.

With this restricted items your stuff on the server will be safe from grief so you can play without worries.



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