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Refund Request [iLazaro]


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Your Name: iLazaro
Item Name + Amount: 


Power Armour Helmet ( Attached Module: Elite Battery + Advanced Plating )

Power Armour Chestplate ( Attached Module: Elite Battery + Advanced Plating )

Power Armour Leggings ( Attached Module: Elite Battery + Advanced Plating )

Power Armour Boots ( Attached Module: Elite Battery + Advanced Plating )



x1 Power Fist ( Attached Module: Elite Battery + Mining Tool + Diamond Mining Tool Upgrade)

x7 Quarry

x1 Tesseract

x1 Crescent Hammer

x7 Diamond

x29 Redstone

x1 Division Sigil

x3 ME Fluid Import Bus

x3 ME Fluid Export Bus


and other small items that aren't important

Coordinates: -3376,+3827,116 on Main World

Description of Issue: Was performing the Division Sigil Ritual in my town. I thought I had fly on but I didn't and once the Pigsmen/Creepers spawned I tried to fly but couldn't and died. I did the /back command but none of my items were there. I tried looking around for them and checking if they were invisible but they weren't anywhere.
Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/hv7Bk0K


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