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[Island Rollback Request] DarthAssassin

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Your Name: llaya   *I made this post on behalf of a player who isn't allowed to make accounts without parents approval*
Island Owner Name: DarthAssassin
Coordiantes: x:-11081 y:153 z:-17290
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5 oct 2018 12.00 CEST (8pm Australian timezone)
Description of Issue: Another player (GrayNeuter) sent DarthAssassin a link in chat. After Darth clicked it (not knowing what it was) GrayNeuter took Darths me drives without being a member on the island or trusted in any way, then somehow took control over Darth's skin and TP'd him and pulled some other hackerstuff.
Screenshots (Optional): this is from when i was talking to him: https://imgur.com/a/FiHByOw . The link can be checked in the logs from around that time.


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