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Refund Request Akademee


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Your Name: Akademee
Item Name + Amount: 64 slime balls $50, 64 redstone blocks $250
Coordinates: Spawn market
Description of Issue: It would appear that for some reason I cannot purchase anything in the spawn market.  I double click on the item, it takes my money, says "You have new Market Mail!"  and nothing happens.  I have checked all market mail booths as well as /market mail and nothing.  I also seemed to have lost some items that I had put up for sale with no one purchasing them.  So far, I have paid for but not received a stack of slimeballs and a stack of redstone blocks.  The seller of the redstone blocks comped me my items directly, so I am only down slimeballs.  If someone could look into why I can't receive anything from the market I would really appreciate it!
Screenshots (Optional): 


Problem fixed, I had my market mail window set to listings only, I wasn't aware that setting carried over in to accessing it at different time.  You can close this topic!


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