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Energy transfer far away


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Hello Admins.

Today i try transfer enegry from my power cells to my mashines (this is all build on more 3 chuncks). Power not transfer if im stay near my mashines. I try using IE Wares, AA Lasers, etc...  If i am come closed to my power cells (in same chunk with power cells) some energy transfer to my mashines. How i must building my power transwer network and automatisation if i am want make my base more that 1 or 2 chunks?


Thank and sorry for my bad english ^_^

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Because the modpack doesn't have any chunk loaders, so the solution here is you have to build everything INSIDE ONE CHUNK. The energy transfer system should be placed at the middle because at some moment I see that place the energy wire at the border can make electricity down for a while. 

Also immersive wires are bugged, they usually be lagged and cannot transfer energy, laser relay have to reconfig after server restart, I've post a topic about this problem and there is no sign that Brunyman will answer

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No, you should NOT build everything inside a single chunk, the way that minecraft is built is that if you have too much stuff in one chunk it would lag you more, (fps) it would lag the server more and it is more likely to become corrupt.

so if you value your items, the. DON’T build inside a single chunk.

however, you can builf inside a 3x3 chunk for example, enough to keep everything loaded by the player but 9 times more stable than a single chunk.

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On 10/18/2018 at 3:10 PM, Henk said:

No, you should NOT build everything inside a single chunk, the way that minecraft is built is that if you have too much stuff in one chunk it would lag you more, (fps) it would lag the server more and it is more likely to become corrupt.

so if you value your items, the. DON’T build inside a single chunk.

however, you can builf inside a 3x3 chunk for example, enough to keep everything loaded by the player but 9 times more stable than a single chunk. 


Henk, problems in transfer energy. try build scheme where power cell or generator stay in 1 chank and  mashines using energy from that cell stay in chank 3 or 4! you mast have some chunks between cell and mashine and look what happen.

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