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Item Name + Amount: 


I Honestly have no clue because it was my whole inventory, but these are the last things I remember having


1 Resonant Jetpack

1 Destruction Pickaxe

1 Healing Axe

1 Super Builders Wand

7 Mobius Stable/Unstable Ingots

About a stack and a half of resonant flux ducts
Coordinates: My Base: -1365 113 686 | Where I Died : -459 68 -286
Description of Issue: I got some plutonium that this guy gave me in my mail forgot you had to have a Hazmat Set Then I couldn't tp because I was getting hurt tried to fly away to a spot where your grave can spawn, thought I flew far enough then landed on a tree, died went back to find out that place I got to was still not far enough then my grave did not spawn


Pls Help


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