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[Refund Request]*Seafling*


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Your Name: Seafling
Item Name + Amount: 

-Redstone Energy Cell - 3 (Had to make a Fluid Tranposer and Magma Crucible to even make these, plus the market to buy additional supplies)

-Redstone Energy Conduit - 9 (Going by starting with 22 before these crashed and ending with 13)

-Leadstone energy Cell - 2 (Literally not as important as the first one)
Coordinates: -343.96740 64.000 490.28866
Description of Issue:  The server crashed at aprox 01:00 am UK time, I posted the issue on the discord tekkit channel, stating what I lost (the most important things; add the conduits although those 3 cells took ages to make) as the server crashed 3 times in a row. A helper and a member of the community (MrColt) recommended that I made this topic to hopefully get a refund so here it is.

To explain what happened with the items. My friend and I were doing a bit of rewiring with this rig under our reactor, when the server crashed, in between those intervals when the server was up, was when we were trying to fix this power issue. every time we used a wrench to dismantle a Cell easily without loosing their contents, the server crashed, causing them to de-spawn or something along those cases. 
Screenshots (Optional): 



My friend says he lost a "1k ME Storage Drive" and a "16k ME drive" when moving the ME drive system because he wanted to use a deep storage thing? Which shows with the proof of missing some items like for instance, ender pears seems not to be there...



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