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Griefing (and hacking) by Glock24 and RadioHipHop


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In-Game Nickname: Glock24 and RadioHipHop


Time and date: 11/23/18, about 2:30 mst


Description of what happened: The aforementioned suspects arrived on our base and began to grief our nuclear reactor, taunting me and Octavian_Soup and killing us. They continued to take the whole thing and associated machinery. Glock24 may have been flying, as in one screenshot. My game was freezing, but Octavian's was not, so they have screenshots of the act and of the suspects admitting it. Since it is thenetherwarlock's reactor, not mine, I'm not sure if they claimed it, but I am very certainly they did.


Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/ZZ3yavv


List of eyewitnesses: Octavian_Soup, thenetherwarlock (only at aftermath)






[8] No Griefing Any Protected Territory:

  • 1st offense = 7 days ban.
  • 2nd offense = 14 days ban.
  • 3rd offense = 28 days ban.
  • 4th offense = 60 days ban.

Includes everything that changes the environment of claimed land. Includes any block, item, action, liquid, that can bypass protection. Includes Griefing of own Town if other members did not agree and worked hard. Griefing spawn is a permanent ban.




If the area isn't claimed then it is free game to raid it, and from what I see in your screenshots your base wasn't claimed and that's why he raided it. That's not bannable, however, I'd be curious to know what you mean about " hacking "? please elaborate. there is a tutorial at spawn on how to use the claim protection (grief prevention) that we use on Direwolf20 1.12


I don't see anybody flying, and even if there was a screenshot properly showing him mid-air that doesn't suffice as evidence for that unfortunately, since there are items like jetpack that make you hover. 


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