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Your Name:  LordOfTheMining
Coordinates: (use format xyz: -987 51 2669)(Lc Elderitch Demension)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 11/27/18 at 6:00
Description of Issue:I was looking for sugar cane in a full suit of quantum armor i was looking for sugar cane to make sugar for my vat i had recently made and i had 4 spare basic machine frames a bow of the wyvern and a blue back pack witch 54 awakened dracconium ingots when i stumble onto an elderitch portal not know what it was i went in and saw a portal looking hole in the walls so went in and almost intently died when i tried respawn it said fatal error the when i got back on and did /back i spawned on my grave stone and when i broke it all my item were deleted i also lost my golden bag of holding filled with a bunch of ingots and ores

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