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UnBan a XxKenpachixX


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Nick user:



Item ilegal


No se hiso previa revision y no ejecute ningun acesinato a nadie y no sabia que eran ilegales , como las encontre un una skulkerbox pense que estaban bugeados , por esa razon los conserve y en en momento pensado que eran ilegales preunte reiteradamente a el staff si era injusto matar a alguien con que usa flypvp me baneo sin ningun aviso ni indicacion que que dea los items





Nick user:

Illegal item
No revision was made and did not execute any acesinato to anyone and I did not know that they were illegal, as I found them a skulkerbox I thought they were bugeados, for that reason I conserve them and at the time they were illegal, repeatedly ask the staff if it was unfair killing someone who uses flypvp banned me without any warning or indication that dea dea
2 hours ago, XxKenpachixX said:

I did not know that they were illegal,

The one who told me you had illegal items was you... http://prntscr.com/mg6dlr

You knew they were illegal. You didn't use them for pvp, at least at that moment, but you had them in your enderchest and home. Owning illegal items keeps being illegal, not only if you kill people. In adition, you had more than 1k legendary keys. 

2 hours ago, XxKenpachixX said:

unfair killing someone who uses flypvp

Instead of asking if you could use illegal items to kill him, you had to report him for fly pvp. I banned him btw, but after your ban.

Your items: https://plays.tv/s/M4SXneAMhcr7


10 minutes ago, MarceLOL said:


I told him because a few days later I found them, to know if I could take them as a trophy, I am aware that I did not mention the trophy, the questions were to give them, and the keys someone left in the world in the shulkerbox that he saw, all that should count as a warning, not as ban. that's why I asked


The keys were in your enderchest. You asked if you could use illegal items for pvp, which means that you knew they were illegal. In fact, I asked you what illegal items did you have and you said items enchanted with commands.

You didn't ask at any moment if you had to return the items. Your question was if you could use them.

Unban request denied.


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