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Your Name:  gwcupcakes7511
Coordiantes: -3559 50 -3218
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 1am 10/02/2019
Description of Issue: all my machines, me system, void miners have all been taken (been griefed)
Screenshots (Optional): 


Claim was rolled back but wasnt far back enough the whole ae2 system among other things is still gone if possible make sure that 1am is gmt if it is try pushing it back to midnight if possible (she is offline figured id get the ball rolling for her)

Edit- Possible that time is when they had been mid grief not sure

9 hours ago, Manyouforgot said:

Town Rollbacked.


If anything is missing please make a list below for a refund request.


 my entire ae2 system is still not there, so it possible to roll back to 12am gmt 10/02/1019


so not to do it again many but could you rollback the same claim again.. to 1pm gmt 9/02/1019 should be the day before if the timing is right ;/ prob not

system still didnt come even with all that ;/




Town Rollbacked I went to the 8th as that was the last rollback point available.

If this didn't fix it we will have to get Brunyman to locate a monthly rollback point or do a refund request.

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