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[Rollback Request]theflashgirl18[DW1.7 ]

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Account Name: theflashgirl18

Town name: / Character name : Flash

Server: ( dw1.7)

Coordinates: x=394 z=-313 y=79 (5)

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]:i misset the permission access and now half of the stuff from my chest is gone.

  • Manager

Town Rollbacked with previous Rollback.


If anything is missing please make a list below for a Refund Request.

Also please edit your town permissions to not allow players to Modify or Access blocks.


For reference i'll put the commands below for you.


/t perm list

(To see all the town flags.)




/t perm set Flag True/False

(To change there values.)


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