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[Inventory Rollback Request ] Ryxwaer


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Name: Ryxwaer
Coordinates: -466, 103, 426
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  11:00 AM, GTM+1, 16th of April 2019
Description of Issue:  Today about 11:30 AM I went to the nether. I stepped into the portal and teleportation killed me. When I broke my grave I got only half of my items. Missed items are: Nanosuit helmet, lvl5 magnet, and many more. I would like to have inventory rolled back to this time.


Hi there, could you please edit your topic accordingly to the template:

And you are looking for an inventory rollback, not a refund request, so the title may be changed as well.

Our staff will then get to it asap.


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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