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Market major glitch left clicked 2nd filter from left and purchased everything on the page.


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I went to the market to check prices, when I went to left click the upper 2nd from the left filter button.

The market proceeded to purchase a ton of items I did not click on.  I need a moderator that can look into

my mail box. Please fix at your earliest convience I'm not taking the purchased items out. it was well over $6000+

if not allot more. not exactly sure.


Hello MaverickGoth,

This occurs when you sort by rows in the market listing inventory. When you sort these items, the market thinks you're "clicking" them, causing the purchase to occur. I would recommend not sorting the items via tabs in the upper right, or middle-mouse clicking (sorting function) while in market.


Example of issue below:


Attempt to sort by rows in market.



"Accidentally" purchased items.




Sorting is a game mechanic that the market plugin has a difficult time working with, so please do not sort the market in the future to prevent a similar situation. I hope this cleared up some confusion.



No it didn't clear up anything, I still have over $6000 ingame cash gone out of my account closer to $10000 and a bunch of items in my mail box

that I did not purchase.  Explain to me how this is going to work? everything that was purchased because of this glitch does not have a price tag

on it, but everything I had for sale does. an there is allot more than 3 or 4 items and I know for a fact those 16M memory cards were going for $1000 each.

I want my money back and this stuff out of my inventory.  As far as DON'T use the filter buttons anymore, no problem I won't but that doesn't fix this problem.



Unfortunately we do not refund money to quote ManYouForgot our tekkit manager, disregard the second half because it had to do with another fourm post but the first bit says it allimage.thumb.png.2958acfe5b20536c441b1ee821c45f69.png


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