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[Inventory Rollback Request]*ilja615*


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[Inventory Rollback Request]*ilja615*

Howdy, today i got killed by a hacker and all my stuff gone. hopefully you can fix it. It was on the FTB infinity evolved, minecraft 1.7 server.

Your Name: ilja615
Coordinates: x: -370 y: -300 z: -250
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 15 may 2019, 12 o'clock in the noon, time zone: GMT.
Description of Issue: a hacker called SkyWarsPro08 he teleported me and my friend AtomicGrog to 300 blocks below the ground and then we died and lost all our stuff. I joined the morning but when this occured it was already noon.
Screenshots (Optional): i have no screen shots of my inventory, but the most important stuffs it contained is:
a tinker's construct broad axe, shovel, and pickaxe from blue slime and with mending moss (i got those from another player)
a golden bag of holding and inside where some seeds and around 6 stacks of dark oak logs, and some ingots and quartz

and 1 and a half stacks apples
EDIT: also had i 22 obsidian on me

I sincerely hope it can be rerolled / refounded. Thanks in advance. Greetings, ilja615.
PS: for contact i am easyer available on the discord server of craftersland. my name is also ilja615 there.



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