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Unban Randomer123


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In-Game Username:

[2] Details of Situation:

IceWack said, that I duped, but I didn't .... The only thing what is not normal are some items, I got from shermansky, who got banned for duping.

He destroyed his own base and I was able to collect all ME storages and put em in mine... It's nothing special I guess.

I didnt dupe. I spend over 60h playing that game on this server.

[3] Ban Category:


[4] Ban Duration:

-5 june

[5] Staff Member:


[6] ScreenShots:

-(Answer in this line)-

[7] Your Reason:

- it is not right and I beet he has no evidence.... Because there aren't any .... Because I didn't dupe.

please overthink everything and restore my inventory and my base .... I can give you the items I got from shermansky ... I have separated them from mine storages.

but for real there weren't some special things in.


Taking items from a duping player knowingly is just as big of an offense as commiting the dupe.

You mean to say that using an alt accoun to cheat, giving stuff to your normal account would be found as an offense only to the alt account? 

That's now how it works.

Ban stays.



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