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[Inventory Rollback Request] Li5i4ka


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Your Name: Li5i4ka ( At that time Mayoicu )
Coordinates:  -3082 , 65 , -3199
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  25 June 13:30 GMT+0
Description of Issue: The city was removed due to suspicions of cheating ( https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/34302-unban-mayoicu/?tab=comments#comment-161973 ), but the administrator made a mistake and said will return here. Sorry, but I changed my nickname and the city MayLand have to pass on nick Li5i4ka.
Screenshots (Optional): Nope.

  • Manager

I apologize but we do not have a rollback to this point.

We can refund you items so you can start a new base, but I am unable to restore the old base.

I am sorry for this inconvenience. 


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