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[Inventory Rollback Request]Tenk


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Your Name: Tenk
Coordinates: 847, -2050, 42
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) 6:21:25 AM (EDT) 8/18/19
Description of Issue: died on another person's claim in a mob grinder, no grave spawned.
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i based my timing on the death checkpoint, but apparently it is mismatched with what actually happened because i appear to be rolled back to after i returned to the spawner and found my stuff missing.. if it could be rolled back one more time, to say... 15 minutes before this?


i'd love to just give a list of missing items, but i had a backpack full of things, several tinkers items, even a few creative items from the mystic chest, and it's kind of hard to remember everything. even asking for the main missing items, i'd be asking for things that could seem questionable, and i'd still have lost out on the levels of my tinker stuff)


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