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computercraft turtles not working


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My brother and i recently started on this server and when building our first quarry we (seeing that they wern't listed on banned items) opted for a cc turtle based quarry. Issue being that whenever turtles move they break and reset to the default turtle (loose label, programs, and TOOLS). after losing two diamond pickaxe turtles i decided to come here to figure out what is going on and (hopefully) get this fixed.


Hello, first of all, could you tell us which server this is for, as you have currently posted this topic under our vanilla server section.

CC turtles have been banned in most of our servers due to their ability to bypass protection and be abused in other ways, however, as I said, i'm not sure which server are you playing at the moment.

You could opt for a refund to get back the lost items.


sorry about the vanilla server thing i thought this was for the ftb ultimate reloaded must have clicked the wrong button. Anyway it was on ftb ultimate reloaded and i specifically checked the banned item list and it didn't include cc turtles.

  • 4 weeks later...

There is a known issue regarding turtles. Please don't use them until a fix has been put in place.

You can make a refund request using the template to get the items you lost back.



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