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[Command Request]


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Account name: ¡¡TzFermin_              

Rank: sponsor +

Commands requested:  [/Enchant  in AC, skyblock, Pure Survival and Hiipo Survival] 

Reason for request: I ask for this command because it is more practical and efficient when enchanting objects

Sorry for my English and thank you 



I believe that I'm speaking behalf all network staff that you won't be given enchant access.

 One of the main reason to buy Sponsor and Sponsor + was to gain access to /enchant. However that command was taken away because Sponsor players start selling command enchanted items (which was illegal).

Second of all, not even GM has access to /enchant. So why would you?

Thirdly, stop tagging Brunyman and Supermoderators for this kind of post. 


Could a forum moderator move this post to Network Tech Support?


Quiet ZengZ I don't sell armor or swords first because I don't need to sell and if GMs don't have access to this command
because they haven't asked for it

In some way you are right it was one of the main reasons that people bought Sponsor and Sponsor + and at the time tell me why the people no longer buy more range as before


I don't think so. If we start giving people /enchant then you'll all just make OP sets again and sell them for cash which honestly ruins the game for everyone. Part of the experience is building up your own gear using methods that we provide in game. And we're not looking to take that away from anyone just so we can sell you a more powerful rank that will more than likely mess up the server in the long run.


look I say it and I say it again I do not sell armor and swords the only thing that I sell and only in PureSurvival They are mansions, houses and different constructions and the theme of which you speak ruins the game for the whole game in Network It is already ruined

and if you want to know the reasons why Network is spoiled with pleasure, I tell you

I understand you Jimmel but my intention is not to ruin the server the reason because I told you that Network is ruined they are for the illegal Iten that walk all over Network


This command will not be given out.

The reason for this is the same for the world edit restrictions that Network currently has in place. Due to the amount of previous abuse this command has received, we no longer hand it out to player. Currently, only the Network staff Moderator and above staff members has access to /enchant (For refund purposes). However, this is also a new addition.

Similarly to world edit restriction, there may be a time in the future when we allow /enchant.


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