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Player Continuously Harassing Me.


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In-Game Nickname: Militahobo (the one harassing me) My IGN is seightn


Time and date: 11:34pm 12/9/19


Description of what happened: A few days ago this player started messaging me on discord and was harassing me and saying things to me. Fast forward to now, I was showing him something at my base and he decided to stay after I had asked him nicely to leave multiple times and he didn't, He tried to go throughout my base and see if something was unclaimed, (assuming he was trying to steal from me) and he was also trying to attack me in my base. He also decided to try and search for my social media with my IGN and he had requested to follow me, I unfortunately do not have screenshot proof oh him doing so but I thought this would be an honorable mention. Not only that but he decided to build a giant statue of "God" right outside of my base just to harass and annoy me further. I had asked him multiple times to leave my base and stop harassing me but he hasn't listened. He then proceeds to build a big sign saying "Trump Lol" on another side of my base, and he put cursed earth under it after. I tried again to ask him to leave and he still didn't. He has claimed the areas he built these things in so i unable to do anything about it. He ended up deleting the builds and getting offline to avoid getting in trouble. I have asked some of the staff such as Fraizer, Bottleofsyrup and Ness27 for help but they are unable to do anything about it at the moment. I feel very frustrated and upset with his behavior, he makes it un-fun for not only me, but many other players in the server. I would like for something to happen about this, and i would also like to request for claim removal for his claims. 


Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/n0Trs2L



List of eyewitnesses: Fraizer, Asscake, Lologod, Bazookaboy13, BreakPointIce, Bottleofsyrup and Alpha_Darkwolf.



I've also had a lot of trouble with him, though I only got the idea to take screenshots yesterday. At the time he was continuously trolling and being rude to me and another player, Alpha_Darkwolf. A notable point that I actually got a screenshot of was where he was referring to Alpha as autistic and a "special ed kid" because he has trouble spelling due to reasons he can disclose on his own. For the things I don't have direct screenshots of, he would attack people while they were helping newer players, calling people racists and trying to defame them, including myself, even though nothing of the sort had been said, and he had never even said his race, and being unnecessarily toxic towards other players when he didn't get to do what he wanted without opposition. I can also vouch for all the stuff said in this post, especially the ending, where seightn stated that he makes the server un-fun to play on while he is online. Thanks for reading, and here's the link to the screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/y7HecII


Also he accuses people randomly of breaking the rules and being offensive. This not only is an attempt to ruin the reputation of other people, it's outright harassment, which is against Rule 15.

Here he is accusing Revurin of messaging him on discord:


Here he accuses me of griefing:



Any every time he is online it becomes a big drama with whoever falls for his trolling. I ususally tend to ignore him but harassment by wrongful accusations is a step too far.

Witnesses: Revurin, DarkerDimensions, MCGoogless and some new players I don't want to involve


He always manages to turn things around onto the one he was trolling, making it look like he is getting trolled and doesn't get any punishment. However most people on the server that have been around a little longer are getting increasingly annoyed up to the point where playing with him online is not much fun anymore. And advices like "use /ignore" is not an acceptable solution to someone who is harassing other players and not using common sense.

Also you can't /ignore the stuff he builds around your base (in seightn's case) or the claims he creates.


When he isn't trolling, he can be a nice person helping new players but that doesn't excuse his misbehaviour.


Furter proof of him just searching for fights and harassing people:

He was actively going through other people's discord and steam profiles to find something he could use to cause trouble, when he found that jack#2687 has the word "negro" in his steam profile which is a normal word in spanish. But certainly in no connection to minecraft and the discord.

Regardless he used it to harass that person on disord, starting with an "innocent" but unrelated request:


Which jack#2687 explained:


So the next(!) day he made this post, clearly modifying the screenshot to make it look like asscake (jack#2687) was the one harassing him:


Sadly Ness didn't take the time to follow up on the origin of the edited message malcrysis/militahobo used and he once again got away with harassing other people while making it look like he is the one being harassed:


He is a master troll, I give him that. But I prefer not having to deal with a master troll on a regular basis because it takes the fun out of a game.

So please finally do something about it.


Hello My Name Is Alpha_Darkwolf and as much as it pains me to do this i feel that the server is at its breaking point and needs a way to Find a more Permanent Solution for a ongoing Player Problem, let me Explain, the Player that goes by Militahobo in world, has been Witnessed on multiple occasions Harassing other players, both by other players as well as by in-game Staff. However The Punishment for Harassment, According to Acting Mod Bottleofsyrup and Admin Fraizer, is Muting and Jail Time, sadly This has no lasting effect, And Essentially does not stop the issues, We are Asking "As A Server" that an Exception be made in this situation, And that Due to The Constant Harassment From Militahobo that He Be "Banned" from Further Access to the Server, Even The Admins Are Tired of The Constant issues this player generates and have stated that they would have already blocked him But Feel they are powerless to Take Action Against This Player Due to The Covert manner in witch he is Trolling,  Grieving and otherwise Harassing Everyone, and due to the Rules Set forth on the admins and mods, as to what punishment can be Preformed concerning the act of hurassment. There have been Multiple Players Constantly Asking and Telling Militahobo to Stop And this Constantly Goes on from the moment he gets on till he gets off again this is all he does and all i hear. He has even done this with me to a degree, however i have Experience with Dealing with These Things From being a Security-Moderator in Online Chat-rooms and 3D World Servers, as well as Real World Security Experience, although that last one doesn't really madder here, Anyway he backed off and Started messing with Others in World, and one Outside it, He has Repeatedly Copy & Pasted In Game Private Chat from Players Into Local Chat using Some Sort of Link as well as Information he discovered about other players (Sometimes Private Lives). You Click the Link and you see your Words or another's Posted back at you in the Web-browser or some other Tid-bit of personal Information (Not Law Breaking per-say But Still Very Private Things Others may not want anyone-else to know about them Kind of Private", I have Witnessed him do this LIST OF ISSUES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Constantly causes Unrest, Disorder, and Chaos Within The Community, Everyone who tries to help him (Mostly New Players to the Server) He Trolls and Grief's, till they either go off or Leave the Game, Everyone has Complained about him and We need Something Done, Sadly its beyond the acting Mods and Admin To Take any Further Action without The Approval of "You=The Higher Ups". So Please For The Sake of Everyone Of Us Who Genuinely Enjoy playing with the Community and on This Server Please Remove Militahobo From this Server so we can Get back to Enjoying The Fun that is FTB Direwolf20 and having Fun with each-other in a way that is not Stressing Everyone out, as this is Ruining the Experience for everyone. Again I am Sorry to have to be the one to bring this to your attention, But We Genuinely Look Fword to A Favorable and Very Permanent Outcome So we can Put this Behind us Once and for all, thanks for your understanding  Signed A Concerned Bystander :Alpha_Darkwolf.


Hello i am the person you people are talking about. I have aspergers and have a hard time talking/working with peoopel. I am sorry if my actionss have offended anybody :(((((

I have broke no rules. People here are willing to bend their view of the rules to get me in trouble! I go out of my way to try and be an OUTSTANDING member of the community and i get this backlash trying to socialize with other members...... My disabilty i currently am battling does not help this and makes this severely unfair for me. I built my monuments to my religion too close to somebody by accident and i am sorry. I am jewissh and i thought making a cross for somebody next to their christmas tree would make them happy but they didnt like it :(  i have a screenshot of "seightn" trying to bend the rules here https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/649704576815202304/653819304403402757/unknown.png in her favor by lying about her religion to get me in trouble... i do not understand her. for the trump thinggy i thought since she was chrisstian she liked trump which might have been an unfair assesment by me and i apologisse. if you do not understand my disability and how it affects me please take a minute out of your day and learn about us and maybe heklp us if you meet an "aspie" like me... >>>> https://www.autism.org.uk/about/what-is/asperger.aspx thank you very very much. please review everything with a grain of salt "ness" now that you know and know that these people have been trying to get me banned daily sadly. Thank you for reading <3


there was a  Brief exchange where in they did Talk about Religion and build a cross, as he stated however this has been taken out of context. What he has failed to mention is the fact that Prior to this Event even happening that he is referring to "seightn" Had Already politely asked him to Go away several times, this was Prior to him beginning Building Anything around "seightn's" Claim , Also Prior to this event He Suddenly Killed Both him and another and began making a newsence of his-self Openly, However at this Point in time No Mods or admin's where  inworld, It was near the End of this That one of the admins did come on and Everyone Unloaded their frustrations about what had been going on to them. i dont remember witch one it was that came on however. its happened more then once already so probably all of them at one time or another "Would be my guess as someones always complaining about him even when they are new to  the server its not very long before they are either leaving or Complaining about him, Not Long after staff Apear he vanishes and logs off after testing his limits as far as he possibility can. As for Asburgers he may very well have that, However  a Sickness is Never a Reason to Tick off an Entire Server, Make an entire server Feel Unsafe, Insecure, and just want to Up and Delete Their account and go elsewhere..., that takes real Effort. so True or not Nice Try BUT he Seriously Seriously need a Timeout. Preferably Permanently but that's not my call. but at this point we are all very hopeful That will be the outcome. (If he had ever Shown a Real effort to Not Greif The tar out of others then maybe we would all still have a heart, concerning the possibility of giving him another chance and letting him try again, however this has been A Repetitive Issue, one that has escalated  To the Point of Causing everyone to just Stop caring and to simply want him gone, No madder the Reason for his behavior its the behavior we cant Take anymore, Not Him. sadly hes attached to his Behavior as we all are to our Own.


Since this happened yesterday, he has still not stopped harassing me. He went out of his way to create fake alt discord accounts to message me and harass me further.. He even made an account pretending to be my friend and he proceeded to message me and send me pictures of myself that he had gotten off of my other social media. He deleted his messages before i got the chance to screenshot unfortunately. I feel extremely uncomfortable and violated and I would be very disappointed if nothing were to happen about this. He has my personal information at this point and i definitely believe he deserves to be punished. 

screenshots link: https://imgur.com/a/vZbpYgL

1 hour ago, seightn said:

Since this happened yesterday, he has still not stopped harassing me. He went out of his way to create fake alt discord accounts to message me and harass me further.. He even made an account pretending to be my friend and he proceeded to message me and send me pictures of myself that he had gotten off of my other social media. He deleted his messages before i got the chance to screenshot unfortunately. I feel extremely uncomfortable and violated and I would be very disappointed if nothing were to happen about this. He has my personal information at this point and i definitely believe he deserves to be punished. 

screenshots link: https://imgur.com/a/vZbpYgL

LOL why are you lying? you have no proof those are my accounts and you're saying they're mine????? 

1 hour ago, Alpha_Darkwolf said:

there was a  Brief exchange where in they did Talk about Religion and build a cross, as he stated however this has been taken out of context. What he has failed to mention is the fact that Prior to this Event even happening that he is referring to "seightn" Had Already politely asked him to Go away several times, this was Prior to him beginning Building Anything around "seightn's" Claim , Also Prior to this event He Suddenly Killed Both him and another and began making a newsence of his-self Openly, However at this Point in time No Mods or admin's where  inworld, It was near the End of this That one of the admins did come on and Everyone Unloaded their frustrations about what had been going on to them. i dont remember witch one it was that came on however. its happened more then once already so probably all of them at one time or another "Would be my guess as someones always complaining about him even when they are new to  the server its not very long before they are either leaving or Complaining about him, Not Long after staff Apear he vanishes and logs off after testing his limits as far as he possibility can. As for Asburgers he may very well have that, However  a Sickness is Never a Reason to Tick off an Entire Server, Make an entire server Feel Unsafe, Insecure, and just want to Up and Delete Their account and go elsewhere..., that takes real Effort. so True or not Nice Try BUT he Seriously Seriously need a Timeout. Preferably Permanently but that's not my call. but at this point we are all very hopeful That will be the outcome. (If he had ever Shown a Real effort to Not Greif The tar out of others then maybe we would all still have a heart, concerning the possibility of giving him another chance and letting him try again, however this has been A Repetitive Issue, one that has escalated  To the Point of Causing everyone to just Stop caring and to simply want him gone, No madder the Reason for his behavior its the behavior we cant Take anymore, Not Him. sadly hes attached to his Behavior as we all are to our Own.

i pvped people fairly and that is against the rules how?


Iv seen him constantly give people a hard time on the server, even at times when its needless to do so. I put screenshots up a few weeks ago on the discord Direwolf20 1.12.2 channel but he has continued to annoy and harass other players, and as far as I’m aware he’s only had a warning. Doesn’t really seem fair to the rest of us that we have to put up with it all the time

1 hour ago, MLhobo said:

LOL why are you lying? you have no proof those are my accounts and you're saying they're mine????? 

i’m not lying, the only reason i don’t have proper “proof” is because you deleted the messages before i could get a screenshot and you literally messaged me “it’s militahobo.” i have no reason to be lying about any of this, and it makes me sick knowing that you can just mess with people and lie continuously and not get punished. 

2 minutes ago, seightn said:

i’m not lying, the only reason i don’t have proper “proof” is because you deleted the messages before i could get a screenshot and you literally messaged me “it’s militahobo.” i have no reason to be lying about any of this, and it makes me sick knowing that you can just mess with people and lie continuously and not get punished. 

how do you make this stuff up? are you that sad? no wonder why you started this....


Fairly sure i never said you broke any rules by killing them. Only By Tormenting them after, Harassment, And Not leaving when they asked, then told, you to Many times, De-siding to Claim Right Outside their own Claim, Despite being asked to leave many times and not to, Very Kindly, several times, but apparently you thought it would be a good idea to Do so anyway despite this fact (Seriously?)., Planting Cursed Earth where it could have taken over the Server, Granted you did Clean it up once They found out about it and Told you What it would do and how that would have been greifing the Server if it was allowed to knowingly spread... But Its OK that's about the only thing you actually Corrected, you Overlooked All the Rest of what was said, and only pointed the one Littlest part that was only a Simple Descriptive Section letting Them know of events leading up to The Main Issue in Question, (, i feel sorry for you but You Keep provoking other Players, you keep Trolling and Harassing Other Players, Both Old and New, Staff and Non-staff. Via the toxic Choices you Continually Make. IM Not Gonna Argue with you, as far as im concerned your already Gone, Besides If you Really do have ass-burgers as you claim you'll never get whats going on anyway, and i dont feel like trying to argu with a wall, "do us all a favor and Leave Gracefully, we Aren't Equipped to handle your Continuis Antics, Nore Should we be forced to have to either. sorry bud you burnt this bridge. and as hostile as this sounds Those of us on the server Who have met you Hope you fall off When the Bridge Crumbles under you. (Remember its your actions we have had enough of, you have literally turned an entire server against you buddy.), Nuf-Said. (Drops the Mike)


PS: My Disability is a Learning Disability But im almost 40 And have learned that to combat it i have to really pay attention to everything that happens around me, so while you are off Trolling and Grieving everyone, im sitting there in my base Reading every single word, and seeing every single Thing you all Type into Local. and yes Mister i do take note when someone starts Going off In Chat, due to me having Prior Non-Minecraft Admin, Mod, Security Positions, as to Whats Causing it. I also have Prior Mediating Experience, so please, just save it for someone else and be glad i am not a Mod or an Admin on here because i have let slip by A Tone of evidence because i really didn't want to deal with all this, or you would have already been gone with all the evidence i have seen. so know this If by some Miraculous Chance you dont get banned, KNow This servers had enough and the gloves are now off for everyone who calls this server their main.

  • Ness27 locked this topic

Under the circumstances, player Militahobo will receive; Rule 20 - 5 day ban

Rule 20 is considered as the "Loop-Hole" rule, or under certain circumstances a disciplinary rule. @MLhobo, we do not condone the use of our community as a medium to your unbecoming behavior. Whether that includes; public release of private information, harassment (through the use of our community discord and in-game), or other ill-natured acts. After the ban expires, you can return to enjoying the game without the acts mentioned above or what's mentioned in the rules.


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