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[Command Request] xRaufx


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Account Name: xRaufx
Rank: Sponsor+
Requested Commands^: worldedit.butcher (Just this)
Reason for Request*: We are having an issue at our Clan Base because of it being underground and having some unexplored caves. We need this command so that we could get rid of the lag in our clan base.
BTW This is not my account but the owner of it asked me to do this request because he is currently at work right now.

17 hours ago, mikewerf_ said:

If you request worldedit you can get access to /butcher (that will kill mobs) 





Also @¡¡TzFermin_ Stop posting on random tech support requests.

But doesn't /butcher will kill all mobs in the server? He just want a command that will kill mobs in a certain radius/chunks.


16 hours ago, ¡¡TzFermin_ said:

just report that there was a command to remove the mobs I see nothing wrong with that

It's micro-modding and your post doesn't even help to be honest.


Butcher is given with World Edit. I have added World Edit permissions to xRaufx. 

All usage is logged, do not abuse World Edit permissions. 


Description Kill all or nearby mobs
Permissions worldedit.butcher
Usage /butcher [-abfgnprt] [radius]
  [radius] Radius to kill mobs in
  [-p] Also kill pets
  [-n] Also kill NPCs
  [-g] Also kill golems
  [-a] Also kill animals
  [-b] Also kill ambient mobs
  [-t] Also kill mobs with name tags
  [-f] Also kill all friendly mobs (Applies the flags -abgnpt)


Also destroy armor stands
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