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Network server (AC, Pure, CTW, etc.):


In-game nickname:


Nickname you are complaining about:

Ponitogamer and LishiiX3

Description of the situation:

I have been playing skyblock on this server for a long time in addition to being one of the few players who frequent it, today I come to denounce and / or complain about the abuse of the sponsor Ponitogamer regarding the spawning of objects of the creative (In this case of diamond blocks ) consider that this directly affects the gameplay of the server since I easily create an island of diamonds and with this they position themselves in the top one of the server and leave their players who really strive to level up their island, on the part of from LishiiX3 Got blocks THESE Begging For The Sponsor And So To Go To The Top.


Screenshots / Video test (required):

https: // ibb .co / 2gZCKJz

Players who can confirm their situation (if applicable):

Those who can be seen in the image chat witnessed everything that happened.

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Hi @JuanJo17X If you have any complaint or report, please apply it in English since reports, questions, etc. are made in English in the forum and it is easier for the administration to carry it in that language.?

Hola @JuanJo17XSi tiene alguna queja o informe, aplíquelo en inglés ya que los informes, preguntas, etc. se hacen en inglés en el foro y es más fácil para la administración llevarlo en ese idioma.?

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6 minutes ago, CriticLC_ said:

Hi @JuanJo17X If you have any complaint or report, please apply it in English since reports, questions, etc. are made in English in the forum and it is easier for the administration to carry it in that language.?

Hola @JuanJo17XSi tiene alguna queja o informe, aplíquelo en inglés ya que los informes, preguntas, etc. se hacen en inglés en el foro y es más fácil para la administración llevarlo en ese idioma.?

I have already corrected it

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Hey, we cant punish this players because they are not breaking a rule. We will investigate what we can do to prevent this kind of "unfair" thing, maybe there is a way to prevent spawned creative items to give you points in the leaderboard. Thank you!

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