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[Inventory Rollback Request] Mosty66


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Your Name: Mosty66
Coordinates:  X:-2829 Z: -3100 Y: 75
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine):  21.50 pm 5/4/2020 GMT -5
Description of Issue: Due to a rollback i lost several important items:

1 stage 4 sapphire ice dragon with no armour

1 fire dragonsteel sword with sharpness 6, runed 3, looting 3, sweeping edge 3, venom 2, mending imperishable
1 aqua gem

1 fortune 3 book

1 imperishable book

the server lagged very hardly during a data save and suddently those items just disappeared from my inventory.

when the rollback happened i was trying to feed my dragon but at the end he was missing from the horn i put him into, and the items just disappeared from my chest/ endr chests.

i spent all of my in game currencies to buy the dragon and it's the 2 time that i lost my sword to a rollback this week, so i will appreciate if i can get at least the sword and the dragon back

thanks for the help


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