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[Refund Request] Moweed


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Your Name: Moweed
Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 interdimensional SU 
Coordinates: -4598, 67, 1417
Description of Issue: Spend couple hours making a interdimensional SU. Placed it next to a quantum solar panel and the IDSU exploded. Apparently the tooltip input rate of 8.192K EU/t is incorrect.


I googled after it exploded and there are more people complaining about. I just googled the su transformers and can't find anything about su transformers. Maybe my search wasn't the best or maybe you are full of shit just like how you behave ingame.... how can I trust you little piglet? Is there a wolf or not?


I did some testing, it does appear that the tooltip is incorrect. The solar should be outputting 8192 at the most but when i tested it, it was outputting 4096 and it still exploded.

I think what Genghis is referring to is the adjustable SU transformer upgrade. When i fully loaded the adsu with upgrades it took the solar's power easily.


Item refunded to your /home


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