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Inventory rollback


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Your Name: FishStick_Unity
Coordinates: x: -2229 z:-1227
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): MET, GMT +1 12;00 or about 1-2 hours before this post
Description of Issue:  i learned real quick why spawning amalich wasnt a good idea. one shot. i got a little stuff back. as soon as i get my inv rolled back you can see me throw the items away if you want to come look. looking at you mike :D
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Thank you Ness, this was the first time i made a request like this as far as i know. is there anything i can improve upon or changes you want to see if anything like this needs to be done again?



ill try to watch out so i dont have to put u guys to work tho :P




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