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[Inventory Rollback Request] PapaMaoDONG


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Your Name: PapaMaoDONG
Coordinates: -2636, 105, 2825
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  19:00 CET, 26/4/2020
Description of Issue: So yeah, a little bit unpleasant feeling XD Got into a dungeon with I presume 2 gorgon spawners (yeah ik lol) and tried to take em out, I did take care of 1 spawner with all the equipment required to fight one, but a blight one (yes, a blight one...) got me and a player asked for help (Gwanox xd). In the meantime, yeah, clear lag happened and I didn't manage to get my stuff back and get out of there...so I would like that the good guys do this for me :D.
Screenshots (Optional): This is the only image I got... bcz I'm a n00b xd. http://prntscr.com/s69w7l


P.S. Ness is the best person in the world!


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