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Unban superxmand1


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1] In-Game Username:

[2] Details of Situation:

i didn’t know Ban evade was a thing

[3] Ban Category:

Ban evade

[4] Ban Duration:

13 days 

[5] Staff Member:


[6] ScreenShots:

i don’t have 

[7] Your Reason

i like the server, i’m sorry for not reading the rules ( who the f reads the rules if you’re just a normal player??????, and i think that’s not reason for punishment), will not happen again, and i’m starting to think that gerry_lmao is upset and have a thing for me, until a few days ago i didn’t know that ban evade is a crime on the server, and btw cut the bullshit whit the superiority, on the server are more staff then players, i think soon will be only staff whit their arrogance, and players banned for not reading the rules, think wisely before you make a decision (and i’m not talking about you gerry, is general)


Hey, this unban request is denied.

Not knowing the rules is not a reason to break them. In real life if you go to jail and escape from it, will you say to the judge that you didnt know escaping from jail was a crime?

Topic Closed.


@superxmand1 And I think you think it’s wrong. Since if you are on a "Network" server and like that you should read and take a look at the rules to know what would be your defects and your penalties for the..


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