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AlphaMatheus36 (Lost Fire Halberd and Ice Halberd in same day)

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Welp I lost my Ice halberd due to item frame glitch when opening a chest. and lost my fire halberd somehow when it had curse of possession.

Username: AlphaMatheus36

Papamaodong tends to join my server if that helps u locate where im at dunno..


-im literally so close to being done with this game, so if u help me get that gear back, i will be so fucking happy. thanks.


Hey what server are you talking about? This section is for Network (vanilla), not Modded. If its modded, let me know the server so I transfer this!

Edit: Im not sure if this problem was solved but moved from Network TS to RLCraft TS.

Its related to this post but here he names "Ice Halberd" too:



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