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Majority of my chunk loaders are not loading their respective chunk, i am still within my limit, and while replacing them, they properly reflect that. I do also have a single chunk loader at inactive friends base that i am unable to remove. In game name DukeOfTheBLVD.


@ManYouForgotAlthough i appreciate the addition, its not needed. The 30 that i have, and am  authorized for aren't loading the chunk as they are intended to. I dont know that additional ones will solve the issue. The coords for the one to remove is X-5446 Z-19238 Y-142.


  • 2 weeks later...
  • Manager

What do you by intended to? Our ChunkLoaders only function when you are online they do not continue to chunkload after your are offline if this is what your are experiencing.

Or are they just not working at all? @DukeOfTheBLVD sorry for the delay in response.


@ManYouForgot They arent working at all while online. or rather they werent working at all. i did replace all of them with spot loaders, as villjo recommended, and they persisted with not working while online. Though they did start working as intended randomly so idk if that was you deleting the chunk loader at friends base, thus only leaving the Spot loaders. Also, no worries on the delay. Life is life, and it reschedules for nobody.

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